Sleep Log

Monday, May 30, 2005

First Entry

I was inspired by a fellow BIO mom's sleep log to do one with Alyssa since we're really trying to get her into a good sleep pattern. From about 2 months until just a couple weeks ago she did great ~ would sleep from 8 until anywhere between 3:30 and 5:15, then nurse and sleep until 8 or 9. Now she's waking up on average about 3 times a night and not sleeping longer than 3 hours at a stretch. I'm hoping that by keeping a sleep log I can analyze how much sleep she's really getting. Part of me thinks that this is foolish because I think a big part of her problem is that she's teething, but I'll try anything.

Our plan is a combination of NCSS (no cry sleep solutation) and CIO (cry it out) . . . which in itself can kind of sound like an oxymoron if you know anything about the methods. We plan to nurse/bottle then rock until she's sleep, lay her down, cuddle if needed and then leave the room. If she starts to cry, we'll let her cry for 2 - 3 minutes to see if she can settle herself down and if she's still crying, we'll go back in. So far she has needed to be picked up when we go back in because she's very upset, so soothing is not really an option that point.

I found this on one of the sheknows boards and am going to try to use it as part of this blog.

TNS = total (hours) nighttime sleep
NOW = Number of night wakings
LSS = Longest stretch of (uninterrupted) sleep
TTA = Total time awake (night)
TDS = total (hours) daytime sleep
T24 = total (hours) sleep in a 24 hour period


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